I was playing DUST Tactics early in 2013 thinking what a great miniatures / boardgame it was for introducing people to wargames. The more I got interested the more I realised the universe, with it's beating heart of pulp adventure by Paolo Parente was prime material for a roleplaying game. Yeah but we already had Achtung! Cthulhu right? Well during the Kickstarter for Achtung! Cthulhu I dropped Paolo a line and said 'hey I love your universe shall we do a cross-over mashup?' and he loved the idea. The Achtung! Cthulhu Crossover Series: Secrets of the DUST was born where several heroes from either universe end up in the Dreamlands exploring mysteries, helping the lost USS Eldridge and trying to stop the Black Sun from teaming up with the DUST Axis with their advanced technology. There's a couple of sneak peaks of artwork by Giogio Baroni, the lead artist on the DUST project, below - these are from the Secrets of the DUST cross-over book.
But it didn't stop there! I asked Paolo if they had plans for a roleplaying game and it turned out he loved what we were doing with Achtung! Cthulhu and so was excited by the idea of us getting our hands on the DUST universe too! It's been a long year in development but we're excited to finally be getting the DUST Adventures Pre-Order live so you can get your hands on the books in the spring. Even better, you get the Operation: Apocalypse campaign free in PDF if you pre-order the core book! It's a rules light RPG with lots of depth and uses the same dice as the DUST Tactics or Warfare games, though normal six-sided dice will do! I love our mythos fuelled world of Achtung! Cthulhu, but when you learn that in DUST, tanks have evolved into powerful combat walkers and rocket troops take to the skies. That the latest laser cannons, phasers, and Tesla weapons rule the battlefield - well that's just an invitation for awesome action on the battlefield so what's not to love! I met up with Paolo's partner-in-crime Olivier Zamfirescu at Essen this year and we discussed some awesome plans for DUST Adventures including some cool RPG figures they've just been waiting to make... |