The EXPEDITIONS Role Playing GameExpeditions is designed to be an introductory role playing game system for new gamers as well as experienced gamers wanting some thing a little lighter and engaging.
We've not been playtesting for 27 years, developed the most unique rules known to man, created a world not already created a gazillion times by other companies - we're just put together some cute systems that, we think, will help you have an amazing time. Expeditions is being developed with the Achtung! Cthulhu setting in mind however it is planned to work for both fantasy and science-fiction settings equally well. Our first playtest was in fact a fantasy adventure, before we moved to the war torn 1940's! So How Does It Work?When you describe someone, you usually would say, "there's this guy Dave who was in the army for three years, left and started a bar, but got into trouble with the law when he joined the Mafia, now they stuck him on this idiot mission to god knows where in return for forgetting about his mistakes." Or would you rather, "Dave is Guns 45, Running 5D6, Strength 2A, Intelligence Blah Blah...." Maybe you would and plenty of us love those kind of games but some of us and maybe new gamers might just 'get' that first version better.
The core concept is the creation of characters using cards. These include an archetype (Geek, Sensitive, Rebel, Jock), some attributes (Strong Arm, Dive In First, Honourable, etc), Weaknesses (Greedy, Dishonourable, etc) and most importantly Life Experiences which tell the story of your character's adventures and mishaps so far. Simply put in about 30 seconds you can draw your character (and have control over whether they have a focus in academia, the military etc). These cards give you some simple dice pools and key words for use in the game's system. Fate Cards encourage players to help each other out and string together exciting heroic events. We've been testing this on a lot of non-gamers and they do just 'get it' which is amazing. |
Natalya by MuWhat About The Board Game Bit?We also have another layer to Expeditions, the ability to put your expedition together - moving around the tiles of your city, gathering allies, crew, fighting off Nazi agents, getting useful information and resources for the trip ahead, supplies and more. But be careful, the longer you take the more dangerous the actual adventure is going to be. You can play this board game version of Expeditions to help you learn about roleplaying and games mastering, with advice and help on cards but it's also a really fun board game intro to the roleplaying itself. You can even continue the board game through to the actual adventure with cool tiles and miniatures. This is currently in development as an expansion but already we've had some amazing experiences.
What out for more updates on Expeditions, we'll be going in to Beta Test soon, so if you fancy being part of our team drop us a line on the Contact Page |